Palm Pre SPRINT :: I still love it :: Update!

I am still in love with my Palm Pre, I just installed the Classic APP from the SPRINT APP catalog that enables one to use legacy Palm apps on the Pre.  I will be testing pseudo-RDP with home brew’s RemoteWin (they couldn’t call it RDP because it is not using the RDP) – SPRINT service has been pretty good so far, of course I want more than the 900Kbps combined that I get when running web based speed tests off the device, but still good!

I went up into the mountains of Pa. lst week and it was raining pretty hard, low cloud cover, I lost my SPRINT GPS navigation, I couldn’t be “located” – which is good to know if I ever need to fall off the radar; However, the actual cell service never left my side (shifted at random between 1x, EV, R, etc.) and I was able to make/receive calls the entire time.

Plus, that vanity mirror sure comes in handy! 😉