When I started out as a mere peon at good, ole JPMorgan Chase & Company, one of my favorite retreats from the day to day grind was to run over (with my Manager at the time Jonah “the jackal”) and have ourselves some real greasy spoon comfort food within walking distance (East 45th Street location).

Alas, it has been YEARS since I visited this last vestige of home cookery, and now I may never enjoy their sweet potato fries again.  And the odds of me EVER going to Staten Island are pretty slim!

In our time here we’ve served more than two million meals,
but it’s the relationship we’ve formed with you, our customers
that means the most to us. We have experienced so
many wonderful moments and been here to offer
Comfort in those good times as well as during some of the harder times.
While we say goodbye with sadness,
we look forward to writing the next chapters in our future
and having you along as our co-authors.

In our time here we’ve served more than two million meals, but it’s the relationship we’ve formed with you, our customers that means the most to us. We have experienced so many wonderful moments and been here to offer Comfort in those good times as well as during some of the harder times.
While we say goodbye with sadness, we look forward to writing the next chapters in our future and having you along as our co-authors.

Farewell Comfort Diner, you will be missed!