Video SEO:: How do you know when it is working::Who cares?

Ok, maybe it comes off as kind of hostile, but I am having a hard time actually finding an ROI on SEO for on-line video content — e.g. If I am a website with Video that is expertly tagged and optimized, where exactly will I see the results? Google? Yahoo? Or does the end-user have to be looking specifically for video on the “video” portal for the major SE’s? Wouldn’t a person searching on-line benefit as much from seeing a video about milking cows as they would from reading about milking cows?

The subject of VIDEO SEO frustrates me because everyone is telling us we need it, but for who and to what end?

Join me on my journey as I seek out what VSEO is and why we should give a crap-dang-it about it ;-p
I welcome your feedback.

** All the early feedback focuses on Metrics starting with the end user already at the video view stage, and I am focusing on what VSEO promises, more or less, how the end user arrives at the video not what they do once there… but I know my Peeps will keep me in check 😉

2 thoughts on “Video SEO:: How do you know when it is working::Who cares?”

  1. Hi Nico

    It’s great to see someone writing about video SEO and writing about it frankly – and asking the right questions. My clients are starting to ask about VSEO and SEO agencies are exploring how they can make a service out of it and sell that service to clients, but as you rightly point out, video content providers and publishers should perhaps start out by asking how it will benefit their org or their audience – and how it fits with their overall marketing strategy. Evidently there’s massive opportunities in terms of the ability to serve contextual video ads where video is easily searchable and findable. But so many websites haven’t even really got their text search up to scratch yet, or they don’t have the time and resources to think about how their users search, how they could make better use of user-generated tagging – the semantic web, and so on. It seems to me that the two elements shave to go hand in hand and search has to be looked at as whole user-journey. That said, there are obviously more and more methods emerging of how to make your site more VSEO friendly.
    Anyhoo – I’m looking forward to reading your blogs on this subject as to be perfectly honest I’m only just starting to get my head round it. Hopefully I can join you on your VSEO journey!
    And incidentally, I’m also interested in search tech being developed which uses audio and image recognition. I don’t know if you’re looking into that?

    Sarah P

  2. There is a lengthy article that will be published in the April issue of Streaming Media Magazine that delves much deeper into the subject – a real hands-on how to piece.
    Thank you for the kind words!

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